
December 30, 2014

OMG Nail Strips - Pics and Review

Omg nail strips by @unitedinbeauty
Today I've got more pics and a full review of these OMG Nail Strips as promised, but first can we just talk about how fun this design is? It has a hot pink, black, and white newsprint style background with pictures of little white poodles too. The words say different phrases like "So cute," "Woof means I'm ready for my close up," and "10 ways to be the leader of the pack." Pretty freaking adorable, really.
omg-nail-strips by @unitedinbeauty
I'm a bit of novice when it comes to the world of nail strips, I usually stick to regular old nail polish and nail art, so I was super excited to get to try these out. I've tried a few different types of nail strips before, but I always find that most of them don't seem to fit my apparently very awkwardly shaped fingernails. Nothing is more rage inducing for me than finding a gorgeous design in a nail strip and then finding out there is no way humanly possible that they are going to fit me. The struggle is real, people. 
omg-nail-strips by @unitedinbeauty
I found that the application for these was very simple. To apply them I just peeled off the clear top sheet, then peeled the design away from the paper backing. I used a pair of tweezers to put the design in place on the nail, then I pressed away any air bubbles with a soft cotton bud. I used a small pair of nail scissors to trip the nail strip to fit my nail perfectly. There was very little filing required for me, just a bit to round off the edges, then I applied a nice layer of Seche Vite top coat to finish everything off.

This design and many more can be purchased from OMG Nail Strips for $7.99 per set. Each package contains 14 nail strips in various sizes. Right now you can get 5 sets for $25 with the coupon code 5pack, or 10 sets for $45 with code 10pack, and there is free shipping on all orders. SCORE!

You can follow OMG Nail Strips on Facebook or Instagram for more pics and great deals!

December 29, 2014

Neon Barbie Pink Manicure With Accent Nail Strip

Neon Barbie Pink Nails by @UnitedinBeauty
I wasn't planning on doing another manicure this week, but I got a few gorgeous polishes from Gilty Girl in the mail earlier this week (more on that and swatches are coming in a few days) and as soon as I saw it I was just dying to get this neon hot pink color on my nails. I just couldn't resist! I've also been itching to try out my really cute nail strips I got from OMGNailStrips (review on these coming too!), so I was super excited when I put them next to each other and noticed that the two pinks were almost a perfect match!
Neon Barbie Pink Nails by @UnitedinBeauty
Polishes Used: Gilty Girl Cosmetics - Bad Baby, OMG NailStrips, Seche Vite Topcoat
My camera went all kinds of crazy trying to capture the ultimate neonness of this polish! I'd have to say that the 1st picture is very close to the true color in real life. I love how bright and shiny it is, and the pink, black and white newspaper nail strip ended up making the perfect accent nail.
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